“I think we also need to think about who Longyearbyen is for. Is it meant to be pretty for tourists? Practical for industry? For the people who live here?” “You don’t have an upper class and a lower class but…
The following voyage had the island Jan Mayen as destination, where we wanted to climb the Beerenberg, the highest volcano in the Arctic, in order to be the first to collect samples from there. After a few days we reached…
Microplastics (MP) is one of the most current research topics for many scientists around the world and also at the Department of Ecology at the University of Innsbruck. APRI board member Dr. Birgit Sattler has been researching microplastics in the…
Satellitendaten zeigen deutlich den Rückgang des Meereises auf, aber auch an Land verändert sich der Lebensraum. Der Vortrag beleuchtet aktuelle Methoden der Fernerkundung und Satellitenmissionen sowie wichtige Erkenntnisse über die bereits sichtbaren Auswirkungen des Klimawandels in der Arktis.Priv.-Doz. Dr. Annett…
Rising antibiotic resistance, less effective treatments of bacterial infections, freezing and remote Antarctica with its cold-loving microorganism and one passionate microbiologist…How is this all connected? Without any doubts we know that medicine reached the point when antibiotic therapy becomes less…
"Goodbye Zackenberg" also meant "goodbye sun“ for our time at the campsite because it was in the shade of the surrounding mountains except early night and some hours in the afternoon. In combination with the constant cold air flowing down…
A group of young people are setting out to raise awareness about the impact of climate change in Europe. Their Climate Walk will take them from Norway's North Cape through 16 countries to the coast of Portugal. 12,000 kilometers on…
Someone knocked at the door. I looked up and Bernhard Hynek, one of ZAMGs glaciologists, entered my office. It was January 2011, I was working at the ZAMG as a student-researcher apart from studying for my Bachelor. "Do you want…
The deep sea is the largest ecosystem on Earth, yet we know so little about it. This holds especially true for the bottom of the Arctic deep sea, where – due to remoteness and sea ice cover – only very…
APRI Mitglied Andreas Richter berichtet in einem Interview mit uni:view über die Folgen einer Politik und Gesellschaft, die nur das Allernötigste unternimmt, um den Klimawandel einzubremsen. Die Erwärmung des Klimas lässt sich besonders gut an den Veränderungen des Permafrostes beobachten.…
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