In the frame of mountain and polar research – a thematic focus at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Research at the University of Graz – I took part as a biologist in a student excursion to East Greenland led…
Dr. Andreas Trügler has been appointed since September 1, 2024 as scientific director of the Austrian polar station Sermilik on the East Greenland island of Ammassalik. We asked Andreas about his goals for the first few years of the polar research…
Tobias, an East Greenlandic hunter who takes us in the open motorboat from Tasiilaq, the East Greenlandic administrative centre, to the station skilfully steers the boat over the wave crests rolling in from the open North Atlantic. The trip along…
A new home for the Austrian Polar Research in East Greenland is becoming reality. The construction on the area of the Sermilik Research Station is continuously proceeding. What is so special about the place and how did the observations at…
Tasiilaq Construction activities are well advanced thanks to the efforts of the local construction company from Tasiilaq. The finishing of the interior and the technical installations will continue in spring 2023.In close cooperation with Lars Vestergaard's construction company in Tasiilaq,…
Today, Austria's interest in the polar regions is based on the great relevance of the polar regions for the Earth's climate and the global responsibility of all nations to understand and limit climate change. Historically, this interest is also closely…
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