The deep sea is the largest ecosystem on Earth, yet we know so little about it. This holds especially true for the bottom of the Arctic deep sea, where – due to remoteness and sea ice cover – only very…
APRI Mitglied Andreas Richter berichtet in einem Interview mit uni:view über die Folgen einer Politik und Gesellschaft, die nur das Allernötigste unternimmt, um den Klimawandel einzubremsen. Die Erwärmung des Klimas lässt sich besonders gut an den Veränderungen des Permafrostes beobachten.…
The Arctic's major and pressing societal challenges related to climate change and its research are too great for any single country to solve alone. International scientific coordination and cooperation are essential - tasks for which the Arctic Science Ministerial was…
The time has come, the Walrus said, To talk of many things: Of shoes—and ships—and sealing-wax— Of cabbages—and kings— And why the sea is boiling hot— And whether pigs have wings. And like the conversation of the Walrus and the…
"Besonders das zunehmende Auftauen von Permafrost sollte uns wirklich Sorgen machen" berichtet APRI Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Andreas Richter (Universität Wien) in diesem Standard-Artikel. In diesem Jahr erlitt Russland eine seiner größten Umweltkatastrophen: Ende Mai gelangten nahe Norilsk, der nördlichsten Großstadt der…
On November 11th 2020, the APRI General Assembly elected a new APRI Management Team: Wolfgang Schöner (University of Graz): Director Birgit Sattler (University of Innsbruck): Vice-Director Andreas Richter (University of Vienna): Executive Secretary Peter Schweitzer (University of Vienna): Vice Executive Secretary…
A research group including Petra Heinz and Patrik Bukenberger discovered a new foraminifera species and named it after the paleonthologist Peter Pervesler: Turrispirillina pervesleri. You can read more about the foraminifera found on the Gakkel Ridge in the Arctic Ocean and…
We cordially congratulate Annett Bartsch (b.geos) and her colleagues from the Max-Planck-Institute and the University of Helsinki with the ERC Synergy Grant for the project Quantify disturbance impacts on feedbacks between Arctic permafrost and global climate - Q-ARCTIC! The project…
As part of this year's APRI annual meeting, which will be held online, Annett Bartsch (b.geos) will give a presentation entitled Arctic monitoring across disciplines – APRI members’ contributions. The presentation will take place on zoom, from 3-3:50 pm on…
The Saami Council in collaboration with Arctic researchers, including Gertrude Saxinger (APRI), has published a public note on co-designing research projects in the Arctic. The authors share their reflections on their experiences with co-creating proposals and research projects and highlight…