On 09.04.2025 at 18:30 the #17 Polar Talk will take place at the Natural History Museum Vienna. This event offers a look at the polar regions through the eyes of young researchers. From investigating the climatic drivers of Greenland's…
In his Polar Talk #16, Alexander Jost first discusses the emergence of empirical, speculative, and imaginary geographies in relation to the Far North. Starting from the Chinese perspective, he introduces the concept of a “Polar Utopia”, which can be found…
On 16 October 2024 at 18:30, the #15 Polar Talk will take place at the Natural History Museum Vienna. The Arctic Permafrost Atlas translates and consolidates the available knowledge on permafrost. It is a timely book suffused with the compelling…
Am 06.11.2024 um 18:30 Uhr findet der #16 Polar Talk im Naturhistorischen Museum Wien statt. China sieht sich heute als "Near-Arctic State" mit erklärten politischen und wirtschaftlichen Interessen im Hohen Norden. In vormoderner Zeit hingegen scheint es, dass die Chinesische…
Climate change in the Arctic and its consequences for nature and people are widely reported in the media. What is much less well known is that climate change is particularly pronounced in the Arctic and has a direct impact on…
Am 26.06.2024 um 18:30 Uhr findet der #14 Polar Talk im Naturhistorischen Museum Wien statt. Gehen Sie mit dem Austrian Polar Research Institute (APRI) auf eine fesselnde Expedition durch die Sonderausstellung "Arktis. Polare Welt im Wandel". Tauchen Sie ein in…
On 15.05.2024 at 18:30 the #13 Polar Talk will take place at the Natural History Museum Vienna. The implementation of the energy transition, the European Green Deal policy and the efforts of society in Europe to make the economy and…
Although the actual goal of the 1872-1874 expedition led by Julius Payer and Carl Weyprecht to reach the Northeast Passage and the North Pole was not achieved, August Petermann's theory of the open Arctic Ocean could no longer be upheld.…
Franz Josef Land is located in Russia to the east of Svalbard and west of Novaya Zemlya, the island extension of the Urals. The southernmost island is located at approx. 80°, the northernmost island at almost 82° north. Location of…
Am 28.02.2024 um 18:30 Uhr findet der #12 Polar Talk im Naturhistorischen Museum Wien statt. Die Arktis scheint weit weg von Österreich zu sein. In ihrer Wirkung auf die Atmosphäre und damit auf das Wettergeschehen und das Klima ist sie…
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