As part of the celebrations to mark the 10th anniversary of the Austrian Polar Research Institute APRI and the opening of the special exhibition "Arctic. Polar World in Transition", the ninth Polar Talk took place as a "science slam" at…
The deep sea is the largest ecosystem on Earth, yet we know so little about it. This holds especially true for the bottom of the Arctic deep sea, where – due to remoteness and sea ice cover – only very…
Have you heard of the Klondike Gold Rush? We guess you did. But how do First Nations in Canada experience mining on their traditional homelands today and how do they think about the past 100 years of mining in their…
"Besonders das zunehmende Auftauen von Permafrost sollte uns wirklich Sorgen machen" berichtet APRI Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Andreas Richter (Universität Wien) in diesem Standard-Artikel. In diesem Jahr erlitt Russland eine seiner größten Umweltkatastrophen: Ende Mai gelangten nahe Norilsk, der nördlichsten Großstadt der…